Vision of CCF – On the basis of the Bible and SUCCF’s strengths and weaknesses, the committee have found SUCCF’s three main purposes/objectives, an image of the future we seek to create.
- 廣傳福音
- 謙卑服侍
- 投入教會
CCF’s Mission Statement – the implementation of SUCCF’s vision, along with specific methods and targets.
- 在雪梨大學中,藉著神的愛,以關係佈道將福音傳給粵語背景的學生.
- 鼓勵弟兄姊妹學效耶穌基督,在自己的職份(學生或事奉崗位)上謙卑服侍,在校園裡以生命見證榮耀神.
- 引導未有穩定教會生活的弟兄姊妹到合適的教會,鼓勵他們與所屬教會保持良好關係,以教會為屬靈的家.