Name: Timothy Kwok

Degree: 2017 Juris Doctor (post-grad law)

Converted: 2008

Baptised: 2008

Church: Hills Christian Alliance Church

提名職位: Secretary

Email: [email protected]


To participate in God’s salvation and kingdom building work.
To become a servant leader – serving Jesus, leading people.
To witness CCFers grow in love and desire for God in their lives through a deeper understanding of His character and attributes.



I admire the characters in the Bible – those who have experienced God’s greatness in their lives because they have put their faith in Him and followed Him. I want to experience God’s presence and find joy in knowing that He is using me for His purposes.
Just as David served God’s purpose in his own generation (Acts 13:36), I want to serve Him in this generation.
I have been touched by God through his mercy and grace. I understand what life really is about when I turned to God. I hope more and more people would be able to experience this fullness of life, true life, which is only achievable by knowing God through Jesus Christ. I pray that God would reveal Himself to more and more people through CCF.
CCF is a community whom God uses to extend his kingdom work. I can see God working in CCF and through CCF from the brothers and sisters I’ve met this year. Knowing that God is working here I would also like to serve with Him here. Just as Jesus Christ has humbled Himself and came to earth to serve, I would also like to model his servant heart to serve Him and one another.
Finally, I pray that CCFers can live every day relying on God, seeking his will and doing his purposes by the power of the Spirit. I pray that as CCFers experience God’s great mercy and amazing grace they would respond to God with a fervent heart and zeal to glorify Him. I pray that they would learn to enjoy God’s precense in their lives and worship Him because He deserves our praise!


Character traits:

I’m a planner, able to write minutes succinctly and precisely, comfortable with administration work and like to be organised.
My weakness is in the area of caring and personal interaction. It takes me quite some time to befriend and open up to others.


How can we best support/care for you?:

I would like the committee to understand that I’m generally not comfortable in opening up my feelings to others. However, I believe the barrier will break down through time as we experience life together in serving God.
I pray that we can become a prayer army together as well. We can do more than pray after we’ve prayed, but we cannot do more than pray until we’ve prayed. May we remember God’s grace, reminding one another of his goodness and serve and glorify Him in CCF!